Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project "reLAKE IT!" 09. september jaanika
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project "reLAKE IT!"
15-22.10.2019 Türgi
- Ice-breakers to start day fresh and in positive mood
- Creative drama, self-realizations
- Video production, taking entertaining photos and other documentation of activities; using digital tools for multimedia learning
- Activities that require working in groups
- Storytelling activities to internalize & personalize the importance of protecting the nature
- Informative sessions to talk on EU Environmental Targets
- Action plans (national ones and the general) to increase awareness on environment, water pollution and protecting the nature in general
- Intercultural and experiential learning - Innovative methods of brainstorming
- Discussions in working groups and in front of all participants
- Interactive presentations, conferences
- Feedback groups
- participants will be providing regular feedbacks and in doing so, they will learn more about the way how to increase the quality of their feedback
- Other participants ́ proposals of workshops
- Study trips to public institutions working with water pollution
- Collecting garbage around the lake
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project "reLAKE IT!"
15-22.10.2019 Türgi
- Ice-breakers to start day fresh and in positive mood
- Creative drama, self-realizations
- Video production, taking entertaining photos and other documentation of activities; using digital tools for multimedia learning
- Activities that require working in groups
- Storytelling activities to internalize & personalize the importance of protecting the nature
- Informative sessions to talk on EU Environmental Targets
- Action plans (national ones and the general) to increase awareness on environment, water pollution and protecting the nature in general
- Intercultural and experiential learning - Innovative methods of brainstorming
- Discussions in working groups and in front of all participants
- Interactive presentations, conferences
- Feedback groups
- participants will be providing regular feedbacks and in doing so, they will learn more about the way how to increase the quality of their feedback
- Other participants ́ proposals of workshops
- Study trips to public institutions working with water pollution
- Collecting garbage around the lake